Goal Achievement – Does 1st September Mean Time To Wind Down?

As the 1st September rolls around (which it tends to do on a regular basis!), it’s time to batten down the hatches, and get ready for that long slog through the dark cold months, putting our goal achievement on hold until next year, right? Er, no! This article explains why in fact it’s time to do the exact opposite…

It’s a psychological trick played on us, to think that once we hit September, we need to put our goal achievement into hibernation until the birdsong and daffodils of spring. The trick is played on us by the world of big business and the dynamics of commerce, but it’s also a trick we play on ourselves!

The retail industry will start to bring out the winter clothes, and heaven help us all, the Christmas goodies – there, I’ve done it, I’ve used the ‘C’ word!

The retailers will not stop with their attempts to start Christmas as soon as possible. It’s the biggest earning period for many sectors, and with the global economy in its’ current state, free market economics dictate that anyone selling Christmas related products will push to get that period elongated by as much as possible.

I don’t like it personally. It smacks of commercialism, but considering the reasons I’ve just covered, moaning about it is not the answer, the answer is to simply choose to ignore it as much as is possible!

I’ve written many times, that even though we can’t control all the circumstances around us, we surely can control our reactions to them. Some people dismiss that notion as corny or unrealistic. In fact, like a lot of goal achievement or self improvement techniques, it can be tremendously powerful, and it doesn’t cost a penny!

4 months is full third of the year! You wouldn’t dismiss the period January to April, in fact you would probably view that as a time to get stuck into new projects, or to revisit your goals. A time to see where you are on your path, to check your progress against your plan, maybe to write your plan in the first place!

If *that* 4 month period can be so energetic and productive, it’s madness to dismiss a different 4 month period, just because it’s the last 4 months of the year.

In fact, you shouldn’t look at it as the ‘last’ 4 months of the year at all. Just look at it as simply another 4 month period, because that’s what it is – 4 months. 4 months with the same number of weeks, days and hours as other 4 month slots.

Those hours, days and weeks can be put to use to make serious headway towards your goals. If you use established achievement techniques like goal setting, you can make 1st September the beginning of a really fruitful period.

So, don’t buy into the idea of 1st September being the beginning of the end of a year, the start of some sort of wind down. Take the opposite view – the calendar may say the year is heading towards its’ end, but you can simply make the decision that for you it means a burst of energy, and renewed enthusiasm towards your goals!

This is exactly the kind of technique I cover in my book ‘Transform Your Life in 21 Days!’ Just click the picture below to find out more:
Transform Your Life In 21 Days by Gordon Bryan

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