Photography – Margate, Kent.

"Margate sunset",
Written by gordino

I have been going down the North Kent coast for many years, mostly just for the walking, but also taking photos as and when.

As my interest in photography pushed on a bit, I found myself making more purposefully photography aimed trips – I’d check the weather and work out times, certainly for sunset/sunrise trips.

I’ve been nipping further and further along the coast, and had been wanting to try Margate for a while. As can be the case, I suddenly found myself with an urge to go, so having checked the weather and journey, I set off to try a sunset *and* a sunrise a few hours later a short distance further along.

Margate, Kent, June 18th 2017

"Margate", "Gordon Bryan"

Typical – just about to take the picture and a bird flies right over the shot!
"Margate sunset",

Another bird moving across the picture!
"Margate sunset",
I couldn’t believe it, something else walking on front of the sun, this time a lamp post!
"Margate sunset",

I tried chatting to the Shell Lady, but she wasn’t having any of it, she just clammed up on me
"Shell Lady", "Margate",

I’ll post those pictures in a Botany Bay post, but for now, this post is about that Margate trip. Having upgraded to a decent enough phone for taking pictures I took way too many, but although that can be frustrating when it comes to sorting/editing I do consider the joys of it outweighing the negatives. You can get some really good stuff by snapping at everything!

I’ll add to this post with more pictures as time goes on – I hope you enjoy them, and if you have any suggestions for places to go and photograph, then fire away!

‘Til Next Time,
Health & Happiness,
P.S. If photography is a passion of yours, why not check out my little cheatsheet about turning passion into profit! Gordon’s Passion Profit Cheatsheet

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