Transform Your Life In 21 Days!

I’ve used certain theories, techniques and philosophies for over 30 years, to improve myself and set about achieving some goals.

Wow – did I ever have a good ride, and it’s still going!
I discovered these around the age of 18, and in 2003 I wrote them up into a book.

I called it ‘Transform Your Life In 21 Days!’ and was thrilled to have readers describe it as ‘motivational magic’ and ‘a true gem in its field’

Is it still valid today? You betcha!
The theories apply just as well in 2011 as they did in 2003, the same as they applied when I first came across them ( a long time ago now!)

Why don’t you check the book out for yourself?

Transform Your Life In 21 Days!

‘Til Next Time,
Health & happiness,

Do leave a comment!

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  • I’ve writers block that comes and goes and I require to discover a method to get rid of my writers block. It can occasionally be so bad I can barley make sentences. Any suggestions? 787916

    • 2 quick ways to get around writer’s block…

      1. Don’t think of writing, think of talking, imagine you are talking on the phone to someone. Then write that conversation down!
      2. Write anything! Just get typing, even if it is to write “I am having writers block trying to write about XX” This will get your mind into the typing frame of mind, and you will break through the barrier! Hope that helps, Gordon

  • Gordon,

    I just finished reading “Transform Your Life In 21 Days!”. I’m glad you included thought number 22 because it’s where many people, including myself, have a hard time. Keeping your momentum is sometimes difficult because we lose focus on our goals and what’s important to us. Thanks for keeping the price down too! Best $2.99 I have ever spent! -John

    • Hi John,
      wow, thanks for the kind words! I really appreciate it. I’ve found the ideas have really helped me for many years, so it always please me when someone else gets value from them too.