If Monday Morning Makes Your Shoulders Sag…

"Gordon Bryan", "The Great Gordino"
Written by gordino

This article and video is the latest taking a closer look at a point made in a quote image of mine…

“If Monday morning makes your shoulders sag, you don’t need to expand your weekend, you need to expand your imagination, expand your actions.”

Blimey, that’s not beating around the bush, is it! I do think it’s true though.

The Monday morning feeling is all too common, and with the world of social media being only a fingertip away, it’s all too easy to fall into the crowd moaning about it.

Every Monday.

I have a problem with it, both with the moaning, and having the feeling in the first place.

Of course the reason behind it is not hard to fathom – people are going back to work, and that means trudge and grind. They do a job they don’t like, to pay for their rent or mortgage on a house they don’t spend much time in, because they are out working!

The commute can be hell, and the thought of a long week until the holy grail otherwise known as ‘the weekend’ sends shivers down the spine from around midday onwards on Sunday.

The idea of wanting the weekend to be longer seems an easy way out, but since that never happens, instead of falling into the rut of repeated moaning, why not look at other options that you *can* do something about..?

I say in the image about expanding the imagination. What do I mean by that?
Well it’s twofold – firstly you can change your angle from one of moaning, to one of appreciation.

You could focus on appreciating the fact that you *have* a job to go to. It may sound glib to say you should think of how many millions around the world would love to have a job to go to, but it’s true nonetheless. If you have the chance to go to work to provide for yourself and/or your family, to provide the nicer things in life, then that’s something to appreciate, right?

You could focus on the fact that you have your health to allow you to go to work. How many people don’t have that level of health?

If you’re reading this, you are living in a world of opportunity, so turn your imagination to asking what you could do to change the situation that makes Monday morning so horrendous.

If you think the answer is ‘nothing,’ then, to be blunt, you’re wrong. The opportunity all around you is amazing. It might be difficult, it will almost certainly involve big change, but there are always options to change things.

Once you’ve swung your imagination away from the moaning, and thought about actions you could take to change things, let’s move to the second thing I state in the image that you need to expand – “you need to expand your actions…”

"Gordon Bryan", "The Great Gordino"

YOU need to expand YOUR actions. Take responsibility for your current position, then take responsibility for doing something about it. Did anyone force you to take that job? Is anyone forcing you to stay there? I may be wrong, but I suspect the genuine answer to both of those questions is ‘no.’

Don’t expect others to take action for you, or for life to owe you anything.

Once you take back the steering wheel of your life yourself, and expand your actions, it’s amazing what can happen. It might be that you already know this, that in times gone by you have taken action to produce results. After all, you had to take action to get the job in the first place!

If that’s the case, that you remember results in your life that were outcomes of action, it might only take a small dose of progressive action to get the cogs turning again.

The idea of changing your thoughts and then your actions is a powerful one. Whether it’s followed through or not is up to you, but if it is, then the Monday morning feeling will start to fade into memory, replaced by forward moving habit and momentum, combined with acceptance and appreciation. Oh, it can be life changing, it can be transformational!

Let me know what you think – I love the feedback!

‘Til Next Time,
Health & happiness,
P.S. If you finally want to get away from the Monday morning feeling, take a look at my coaching programme, ‘Transform Your Life Now!’  It sets a personal plan for you, and while you’re there you can also get my free 8 step goal achievement formula.

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  • Gordon, So many people can relate to this post. I think many people suffer from the “Monday morning blues.” I am glad to see every day. I ad a heart attack in 2011, so I appreciate everyday that I have had since then.

    • Hi Roy,
      Sometimes it takes something major to make us appreciate what we have. Whenever I see the Monday morning moans, which is every week(!) I wish more people would make the mental adjustments needed to change things.

  • I agree with those above .. That it takes difficult times to appreciate what we have.

    I also know from my own families experience, that the way we react to this creates out reality – actually more than what happens to us.

    We are (and we feel) what we decide … It’s a painful truth and one that in my experience is difficult to learn.

    • Hi Ant,
      I also had massively hard times to get through, and it was part of that process that drove home how much ‘we are what we decide.’
      Nice reminder, I’ll be using that for a new image quote sometime 😉
      cheers, Gordon