Can’t Make A Difference Because You’re Just One Person?

I’m looking at another of my quote images in this article, and I hope it’s read by more than one person…

You might say you can’t make a difference because you’re only one person, but sometimes one person is all it needs.

Now, when I say I hope the article is read by more than one person, if it only ever gets read by a single person, than that’s enough.

Not any particular individual, but one person, to make sure it’s read by someone. As it happens, if no-one ever read it, it would still have value, because it’s a worthwhile message to put out there, and if it does only ever get out out to that single person, that could be all it needs.

It could be all it needs for that one person to change the way they think about themselves and their place in the world, which could lead for them to change the way they act, which could lead to different results, both for them and those around them.

Can you see how the ripples could spread far and wide, from a starting point of just one person to one person?

Sometimes one person is all it needs.

The biggest movements the world has ever seen have been started by one person. One person taking action, putting themselves out there, and then other people spreading the message. Particularly with the power of the internet today, it’s possible for one person to reach more people quicker and easier than has ever been the case before.

It seems clear then, that to say that you can’t make a difference because you are only one person is a nonsense. Why do we think it then?

And we do think it, many of us, all the time – we don’t take action because we think it won’t make a difference. We don’t stand up for what we think is right, we don’t challenge what we think is wrong. Because we simply don’t believe we can make a difference.

Now, it could be that we genuinely *don’t* believe we can make a difference. That’s ok, I can understand why people think that – maybe they’ve tried before and didn’t see any results, or maybe they tried before and it only brought difficulty and hardship back on themselves, so they come to the conclusion that it can’t make a difference.

I disagree.

As I’ve covered, it always makes a difference. Even if you don’t see the results you wanted, the action of trying in itself makes a difference, and it’s *your* difference.
Someone might need just one person to listen to them.
Someone might need just one person to tell them they are ok being themselves.

"Gordon Bryan",

How about making a difference to ourselves..?

There’s somewhere we can make probably the *biggest* difference – with just ourselves, on ourselves, and for ourselves! Once we do that, once we change our thoughts, then we change our actions, then we change the results, and who knows what difference that might end up making in the world!

Can’t make a difference because you’re only one person? Hardly. Sometimes one person is all it needs.

Ok, I’d love to hear what you think – do leave a comment!

‘Til Next Time,
Health & happiness,
P.S. If you feel you’d like a hand making your difference, do grab my free 8 step goal achievement formula. It works!

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