Don’t Let Your Dreams Die When Daylight Comes!

This article looks closer at a point made in a quote image of mine, and it goes to the heart of why many people dismiss goal achievement, self improvement, personal development…

Don’t let your dreams die when daylight comes.

Sounds a bit ‘airy fairy’ doesn’t it? In fact, I’d go further and suggest it sounds ‘happy clappy’ and ‘wishy washy’ at the same time!

People who dismiss the whole personal development field think that saying something like that, probably at dawn, in a hand-holding circle of people chanting, with flowers in their hair, is a load of old claptrap.

It allows them to validate their mental image, a box in their brain that they can consign ‘goal achievement; into, that it’s only for the kind of hippy that indulges in such nonsense!


I understand why people do it, it could be any number of reasons – peer pressusre, upbringing, surroundings, and then the self belief that is honed from these factors.

That’s a shame. It’s a crying shame, because so many people do it, so many people dismiss dreams as ‘not realistic’, which means that so many people shut off life avenues which could take them to places that fulfil them, that give joy, that allow the ‘real’ them to exist and flourish.

Oh, they have the dreams alright – they dream of the house they want, they dream of doing what they choose for a living, they dream of all sorts of things, but then they wake up. When they wake up, the dreams go back ‘where they belong’, and they get up and go to a job they don’t like, to pay for a car to get them there and back, to pay for the house that isn’t big enough or in the neighbourhood they want, and so it goes on.

It doesn’t have to be that way. It really doesn’t.

"Gordon Bryan", "Ailsa Craig",

Another way is to focus on the dreams, the model of the life you’d *actually* want. Then, rather than dismiss it, you’d decide to go for it, and decide to believe it possible, and yourself worthy.

Next step would be to study how others got there, since it’s unlikely you’re the first. By gaining the knowledge, you build up a roadmap of steps you would need to take, and work out what the first step would be.

Then, while accepting there are no guarantees, and being prepared for hard work and possible setbacks, you take the first step.

This is life changing. It’s not necessarily easy, and in fact it can be incredibly hard, because change will be inevitable part of the process, and some of the changes might be unpleasant to go through.

You will find that you will need to surround yourself with people on the same page as yourself, and as you progress, this will have the inevitable side effect of leaving some other people behind.

That’s unavoidable, because you are moving in a direction that fewer people take. The competition will start to ramp up, and people who make the decision to accept the easier life will not stay along for the ride you are now on.

However, if you’ve tapped into your ideal mode, and are moving towards it, you’ll take on the difficulties, because difficulties come to us all in life, so why not face them on the road of our choosing rather than one we’ve settled for?

The idea of moving the dreams of sleep into awake reality can seem easy to rubbish as an idea, to box it away as ‘only for hippies.’ That would be a mistake though, because with practical ideas and techniques, with help and support from likeminded community (which the internet allows us to tap into), it’s something that can be done by anyone.

Try it, you might surprise yourself!

Ok, I’d love to hear what you think, do leave a comment!

‘Til Next Time,
Health & Happiness,
P.S. If you’d like to find out more about exactly how you can get to work on your dreams, grab my 8 Step Goal Achievement Formula! free video series!

Do leave a comment!

Leave a Reply to Peter Beckenham X


  • Hi Gordon,
    This is such an important post because there are so many folks who need to read and implement what you have shred here today.

    I’m not talking about those dreamers who are too darn lazy to get off their butt to take any action – they will never succeed in life.

    No I’m talking about those many, many folks who have started out with their online dreams if success and are completely overwhelmed with information and have no idea what to do next.

    They are totally lost and feeling so very discouraged.

    This post is so honestly written and wil give genuine hope to folks who are struggling. you don’t pull any punches Gordon but at the same time you give people what your referred to as “a roadmap”

    Sure change is never easy but once peoplehave read this post their level of understanding and acceptance will increase dramatically – and hopefully give them the confidence to at least take the next step and not throw the towel in.

    Awesome stuff Gordon and have shared this widely for you

    Best wishes from the remote Thai village marketer


    • Hi Peter,
      Thanks for stopping by.
      You make a good point – so many people *do* make a start to go for their dreams, but then when they get hit by difficulty they pop the dreams back where they think they belong, for sleep time only!
      Information overload is a big stumbling block for many as you say, and the answer? Focus. One idea, one plan, one step then the next.
      I appreciate your kind words!