If You Want To Do Something In Life, Here’s An Outrageous Idea…

Written by gordino

In this article I’m looking at another quote image, and this time it’s all about letting ideas fly…

If you want to do something in life, here’s an outrageous idea – do it.

The image was taken down by the beach at Whitstable, Kent, watching a lovely sunset, and it just so happened that a bird flew across the shot at the right moment. It’s very difficult to plan shots like that with simple point and click cameras, so unless it was some sort of megalomaniac seagull that flies in front of any camera it sees, it was just one of those things!

It did make me think of the concept of letting your ideas fly, the small ones, and yes, the big ones.

The common reaction to the idea that if you want to do something you should just do it, is that it sounds all well and good, but real life’s just not like that, that we can’t just act on our ideas.

Why not? Why is this the common reaction, why is the default setting that we shouldn’t act on our ideas?

We certainly don’t do it as children. If children want to do something, they just go right ahead and do it, more often than not right there and then. They don’t over think it, they don’t over plan, they just get stuck in.

Of course, we’re not children, and the point about children acting without inhibition is a key part of the answer…

Most inhibitions (I say ‘most’ because it’s not all), most inhibitions are *learnt*. As children we are told what we shouldn’t do, what we can’t do. This builds up our inhibitions so that instead of simply acting on ideas, we stop and check for validation first, from our own internal models. To a large extent, those models have been built for us by others, I.e. ‘grown up’!

Of course we develop our own internal models about consequences of actions, and it’s all normal and natural.

The downside of it though, is that it stunts our readiness to act on ideas – if we have an idea that falls into the internal model of ‘silly’, or ‘unrealistic’ or ‘only for others’ or ‘not within our ability’, then we’ll probably not act on it, even if it makes us yearn to just act on it.

So, I ask again, why *shouldn’t* we just act on our ideas, the big ones and the small ones?

When I say small ones, that might mean doing a leisure activity just because you want to, or trying something new, regardless of what anyone else thinks or says. It might mean *not* doing an activity and saying “no” to someone for a change.

When I talk about the big ideas, instead of ideas about what to do in life, I’m talking about ideas on what to do *with* your life!

The big picture ideas.

The ideal house, the ideal job, the ideal partner, the ideal lifestyle.

Why not act on it?

Because you’re not good enough? Well, who knows until you try.
Because others might laugh at you? Well, let them laugh, it’s not their life your concerning yourself with here.
Because it might be hard, you might fail? Well, it might indeed be hard, and you might indeed fail! ‘Might’ being the important word – you might also *not* fail, and even if you do, you won’t have that soul sapping drip dripping of knowing that you never tried, leaving you wondering what if.

Look to your joys, your passions, what makes you feel alive. Not anyone else’s, yours.
This won’t be hard, because the ideas won’t be new ones, they’ll be ones that will have been with you for a long time, several years in many cases.

Then ask yourself, is it really so outrageous that you should act on them? If the answer’s yes, then I’d ask ‘who says it’s outrageous? Who *exactly* says it?

It might be that when it comes to down to it, it’s *you* that thinks it’s outrageous, too big a leap, too big a gamble.

In that case, it’s time to work on your self esteem, time to work on your self confidence, time to be honest about the ‘real you and your place in the world.

Once you’ve done that, I suggest you’ll be in a better position to dispense with any perceived outrage, and simply act on that idea! That could end up simply bringing more fun into your life, no bad thing, or it could transform it completely!

"Gordon Bryan", "Whitstable",

Ok, I’d love to hear what you think as ever – do leave a comment!

‘Til Next Time,
Health & Happiness,
P.S. If you’d like to know more about *how* to go about letting these ideas fly, then grab my free 8 Step Goal Achievement Formula!
P.P.S. Don’t forget to pop over and see my FB page Transform Your Life Now!

Do leave a comment!

Leave a Reply to Roy A Ackerman, PhD, EA X


    • Ha, yes good point!
      That was always the ‘American’ way – “do it, why not?” Much admired.
      The British way was definitely ” ah yes, but only if it’s suitable for you and your place, etc”

      Things have changed 😉
      Thanks for stopping by as ever, Cheers, Gordon