3 Reasons Why I Paid Steven Wagenheim To Coach Me

January 2011 and another email popped into my inbox.
Nothing unusual there, I get bucket loads every day, but this one had me grab my credit card and pay as fast as possible.

So what had got me all worked up and hoping my (large) payment had been accepted? Well, it was an online coaching program from Steven Wagenheim, and I rushed to sign up. Spaces were limited to a few slots, and amidst all the false scarcity which is damaging the credibility of internet marketing at the moment, Steven has an established reputation for using genuine scarcity marketing. This means that when he says slots are limited, they actually *are* limited. I wanted to get in badly, and here are 3 reasons why I was so keen to get in…

Firstly, I have faith that Steven knows what he is talking about. I have known of him online for many years, and seen him ‘walk the walk’ with many products and income streams of his own making. This means I would not be paying for rehashed material from someone else. He won’t be telling me to do what any number of other people may do, he’ll be telling me to follow what he does – there’s a big difference between the two.
The advertising for the course laid out several specifics about content, follow up and results, and I could be sure when signing up that those specifics would be delivered. In a word, ‘integrity’.

Secondly, I like his style. You can get to feel someone’s character online, and Steven has a New Jersey accent with an attitude to go with it! That’s a good thing, because in his case it means being consistently straight up in the way he operates. He will be upfront and honest with his opinions, even if they seem harsh. When paying someone a lot of money for coaching, you want to know they will not just butter you up, but give you *real* feedback on the learning curve.

The final reason I knew he’d be a good choice is that the end result appeals to me, and his area of knowledge fits in with my skill set.
I already think I have most of, if not all of the skills needed to get to that result, but need help with proper direction. It’s been a big barrier for me, and I think I’ll get that direction from Steven.

This isn’t the first time I’ve paid for coaching, but previous occasions have left me disappointed. It’s not been so much the content that had been lacking, more a case of the ongoing support leaving something to be desired.

So, my bank balance is lower today, but my faith in Steven’s knowledge, my belief in his character, and anticipation of the process all combined to make it an easy decision to hand over the money, and I look forward to the whole process!

Sign up for email updates on my progress, and I’ll send you Steven Wagenheim’s latest report for free. He called it The X Factor, and in it he goes over what he believes are the keys to succeeding in online marketing.
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Thanks, and I’ll see you on the other side!

Health & Happiness,

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