How To Use Other People’s Content On Your Own Blog!

One of the keys to a successful blog is regular posting. This can be a major hurdle for bloggers, whether new or experienced. A great way to overcome this hurdle is to use other people’s content – here are two ways to do this, and one way you definitely should not…

Visitors want to see a blog that has different content on it – if the content stays the same, people will stop coming back. New visitors will see it as a stagnant blog with no posts since a long gone date, and regular visitors will see the new content fade away, and they too will fade away themselves.

Some people use a blog to get visitors to take action of some sort, that may be to make a purchase or to sign up to an email list. Other people just want to express their opinions on their blog, but whatever the purpose of different blogs, one thing they all need is regular visitors.

So, if you have trouble creating new content, how can you use other people’s work to help yourself..?

One way to do it is to use an article written by someone else as a starting point for an article of your own. You may disagree with the other article, or maybe you just want to approach from a different angle, but if you read someone’s article and feel a response in your mind, then that is the basis you can use for an article.

It’s a good idea to mention the other article in your own new one, and a link would be even better. This means you can let the first writer know, and maybe they’ll link to your article from their own blog, meaning more exposure for you.

Another way of using someone else’s article is to post it in full on your blog. Write an introduction, write a conclusion, and if you feel the content is relevant to your readers, all is well.

If you use this method though, you must credit the original writer. You must say that they wrote it, and you must link to their blog. The best way to go about that is to get in touch with the author and ask them what link they would like you to use.

That brings me to the way you should *not* go about using someone else’s content…

That’s to just take the content and just post it on your blog as your own work. Not only is that stealing, it’s unethical, both to yourself and your readers. If the original author finds out, they will tell you to take it down immediately, and believe me if you don’t it can result in your blog being taken offline by your hosting company.

If that method tempts you, don’t do it. Really, if you can’t be bothered to contact the original author, if you can’t be bothered to write an intro and include a link, then you need to consider if you should be blogging at all!

Much better to give full credit to the other author having asked first, and much better still to use the first article as a starting point for your own new article.

So you can see that other people’s work can be a great source of content for your own blog if you hit writer’s block!

Ok, that’s it for today, as ever do let me know what you think.

‘Til Next Time,
Health & Happiness,

Do leave a comment!

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  • Good to see you making this nice and clear, Gordon. I often find that someone else’s writing sparks off my own ideas. In fact I think reading a lot is absolutely essential – just have to limit the amount of time spent as the internet now provides so much material!

    • Hi Harriet,
      It’s even better when you find someone who writes in a way that presses your buttons – that means you can develop a mutually beneficial relationship! The point you make about the amount of material available is relevant, because with such a vast array of blogs to visit, a lack of new posts is a good way to turn people off a blog, hence the need for new content.

    • Thanks Catherine,
      I’ve found the idea of using someone else’s article as a starter point for my own has worked well on many occasions – glad it helps!

    • Hi Janet,
      There are so many ways to get through or around writer’s block, and so many people think that they *do* have to create in a vacuum – great point!

    • Thanks Karen,
      I always find that asking if in doubt works wonders – most people are happy to be asked, and for the people whoo aren’t, you are better off finding out the easy way!

  • This reminds me of the curation software that I bought a while back which does exactly that with other people`s posts, videos, photos or graphics. The important, ethical and legal thing really is to credit your source for the resources you`re using. In that way, you don`t violation copyright laws. On top of that, everyone is happy – you and the document source.

    Thanks for this great post!

    • Hi Maria,
      I never got any curation software when it was the rage. I like to just do it myself and get in touch with the source myself, adds a personal touch. I suppose the software is more ‘set and forget’ automatic route – nothing wrong with that if it fits someone’s business model.

  • I find that it’s relative easy to get permission to use other people’s work. It is in their best interest to allow you to quote them or post their entire article. I just asked Bob Proctor if I could use an excerpt from his book You Were Born Rich in my new book, Pick From The Passion Tree which is due out soon. He simply asked if he could see the chapter it would be included in, then gave permission. I snagged a photo for my blog in the last challenge and want to include it in the book as well and asked the photographer if I could use it, and he agreed as long as his name remained with it.

    Most people are happy that you want to share their work. It gets their name out to people they might not otherwise reach on their own. It’s a win-win.

    Thanks for the reminder to do it right Gordon. So many people don’t.

    • You’re right Julia, that most people will be only too happy to have their content appear elsewhere with an appropriate credit. Always worth asking though, just in case for some reason they don’t , and also because it’s a great way to actually build a relationship with people relevant to your niche.

  • Good article. When I’ve talked or brought in pieces, I’m always good about setting up a link to another. One person I’ve been following since I linked to her blog because I was writing on the same topic and I also liked her approach. I followed up in an email to her too, with the link to mine. I think it’s better to do more than less. So thank you for putting in in print.

    • it’s a win win method really, isn’t it! Even if the other person says no, that is progress, because you can make sure to tick their stuff *off* your list!
      cheers, Gordon

  • Thanks for this Gordon.. I’m often inspired by others’ material and wonder how to take it from there. Nothing worse than someone else taking your ideas and owning them so respect for each other and giving credit is all important.
    As a new blogger, thank you!

    • Thanks Rosemary,
      Glad you liked it, it really is a simple but effective tip which can also build relationships and exposure to new readers.

  • I have found this method useful when I know I am going to be away for a couple of weeks and am sort of time to line up blog posts in advance.

    I have only ever used articles where the writer gives his or her permission to reprint if you include a link ( which can often be an affiliate link) to their site, but I always write my own intro and conclusion paragraph. I often add my own comments throughout the article as well making it clear they are mine.

    • I’ve done it both ways Sandy – both by asking first, and also by mentioning the original article with a link, then letting them know afterwards.

  • Hi Gordino,

    Firstly, love the name, it reminds me of a dare devil circus act!

    Secondly, you have given me a great idea for my next blog post…a light bulb moment…

    Happy New Year

    • Hi Panicos.
      The name was indeed for a variety act I used to do with the blow up shark, inspired by a Muppets record!
      As for the content idea, it’s one I’ve used to good effect, and seems to have received some good response.